Supported Raster and Vector Formats

Supported Raster Formats

File Name File Format Read Predefined Import template Write
Arc/Info BIL .bil yes yes yes yes  
Arc/Info Binary Grid .adf yes yes yes yes  
Envisat ASAR Files .N1 yes yes yes yes  
Erdas Imagine Images .img yes yes yes yes yes
Erdas LAN .lan
yes yes yes yes  
ESRI ASCII Grid Files .asc yes yes yes yes yes
Generic[1] All yes yes yes yes  
Geocoded [1] All yes yes yes yes  
GeoSoft Grid Exchange Format .gxf yes yes yes yes  
GeoSoft Grid File 2.0 .ggf yes yes yes yes  

Geotif (incl. 64-bit float)



yes yes   yes
Gould LIPS .lip yes yes yes yes  
Idrisi Raster .idr yes yes yes yes  
Inpho UASMaster/SATMaster .tif yes yes yes yes  
Intergraph Raster .ers yes yes yes yes  
JPEG (incl. EXIF) .jpg yes yes yes   yes
JPEG 2000 (incl. 64-bit float) .jp2 yes yes yes   yes
Lidar LAS (up to v1.4) .las yes   yes yes yes
LASzip .laz yes   yes yes yes
National Imagery Transmission .ntf yes yes yes yes  
NCSA Hierarchical Data Format .hdf4
yes yes yes yes  
NITF 2.0 .nit yes yes yes yes yes
PCIDSK .pix yes yes yes yes  
PCO SensiCam Files .b16 yes yes yes yes  
Point Grey Research Ladybug camera driver .pgr yes   yes    

Portable Network Graphics
(8 bit, 16 bit, color table)

.png yes


yes   yes
SPANS Raster .rnh yes yes yes yes  
Windows or OS/2 Bitmaps .bmp yes yes yes   yes


[1] Import Templates may support additional instruments or image readers not listed here.

[2] png types supported are:

  1. png: input 8 bit layers - output 1 or more layers in 8 bit
  2. 16 bit png: input any bit type (if other than 16bit - values will be truncated to 16bit signed or unsigned) - output 1 or more layers in 16 bit (signed/unsigned depending on input layer)
  3. png (color table): input 1 to 3 layers (values are used to compute pseudo color table) - output 1 layer in 8 bit (pixel values contains color index, additionally color table is saved with 256 pseudo colors computed from input layers)

Furthermore eCognition supports the point cloud import from Trimble Business Center (TBC) projects.


For predefined import templates see:

UserGuide > Projects and Workspaces > Importing Scenes into a Workspace

and User Guide > Automating Data Analysis > Creating, Saving and Loading Workspaces

For more information about unlisted import templates contact Trimble support via: eCognition support

Supported Vector Formats

All formats supported for image layers also apply for thematic layers. Additionally, .shp vector files are supported. For polygon shapefiles and for .img files, the attribute table is automatically selected. For all other formats the respective attribute table has to be specifically indicated. From the Load attribute table dialog, the following file formats can be selected:


File Name File Format Read Write


.shp yes yes yes yes

multipart shapefile

.shp yes yes yes no
FileGDB .gdb yes yes yes yes
geoJSON .geojson yes yes yes yes
GeoPackage .gpkg yes yes yes yes
PostGIS .postgis yes yes yes yes
Sqlite .sqlite yes yes yes yes